Category Archives: 10,000 steps a day

How You Can Improve Your Walking Routine In 3 Easy Ways

We all know that walking has many benefits for one’s health and is also a fun and easy way to exercise. But how do we know how much to walk to burn enough calories and fat?

Experts recommend that walking 10,000 steps in a day will burn 500 calories, and doing that five days a week will burn 3,500 calories – enough to lose 500g (1lb) of body fat. (Source: National Health Service, UK )

With this, we should aim to walk as much as we can! This means more staircase-climbing instead of using the lift! Or you could try walking (if the distance is walkable) instead of driving / taking the public transport to your destination. Small steps like these are actually big steps toward a better & healthier lifestyle!

(Photo credit:

But first, you need to bear in mind some items needed to make your walk a pleasant and fun one!

  • You would need proper shoes & attire – make sure your shoes are proper, sturdy shoes for walking. Your attire should be comfortable &  loose-fitting!
  • Get enough water to stay hydrated. Keep a water bottle close to you while walking!
  • Have a pedometer with you to keep track on the number of steps, calories, fat burnt, distance walked, exercise time and average speed that you have clocked!

For pedometers, choose OSIM uWalk – Tri Axis Pocket Pedometer to fit into your daily walking routine.

OSIM uWalk uses multi-directional 3D motion sensor technology to measure more accurately than conventional pedometers. Its smart-detection feature automatically determines if you are walking, giving you an accurate step count.

OSIM uWalk in White, Purple and Green

OSIM uWalk is only available on OSIM Webshop. Please visit for more details.

To learn more about OSIM uWalk, visit:

Getting to know more about OSIM uWalk (Part 1)

For those of you who are technophobic like me, you would definitely find it easy to get around with your OSIM uWalk at your first go! OSIM uWalk is not only simple to use, but it is also simple to read. It took me merely less than ten minutes to understand how to read the information on the screen of OSIM uWalk!

Definitely my favourite accessory these days!

What I love about the OSIM uWalk is that it shows the information captured in 6 ways as displayed below to give you the best interpretation of your walk:

For those of you who are wondering how to carry or place your OSIM uWalk while walking, here are some tips:

Since OSIM uWalk is so compact, you can place it into your pant/ skirt pocket, hang it off a lanyard around the neck, place it inside purse/ bag or on the hip in any direction. The 3D Motion Sensor of OSIM uWalk enables you to use it in any angle, even when it’s lying flat!

OSIM uWalk is only available on OSIM Webshop. Please visit for more details.

To learn more about OSIM uWalk, visit:

Just me and my uWalk at the *SCAPE flea market.

– by Sueann Tan

After a hectic week of work and filming for The Rookie, I felt that I was in dire need of a workout… A simple workout that was fun and at the same time not too intensive. At the same time, my girl friend was running a stall at the *SCAPE flea market next to Cathay Cineleisure. As such, I decided to bring my uWalk along in my flea-hunting venture!

Flea-hunting is not shopping, by the way. It is far crazier than that. You’ll have to battle through throngs of bargain-hungry girls, scavenging through racks and racks of clothing, accessories and shoes, and propositioning prices with stall owners. In short, serious flea-hunting is not for the weak-hearted. It requires proper preparation.

My checklist for the flea market:

–          Flat sandals? Check!

–          Shorts and a tank top? Check!

–          An awesome partner who is equally as competent in flea-hunting? Check!

–          Cash? (No credit cards accepted here please!) Check!

–         And of course, my trusty purple uWalk to monitor my little ‘fitness regime’ for the day? Check!

And so it began…

Look at the throng of people! Large crowds + humid weather = A very sticky situation, literally.

This is my friend Natasha. She co-owned a stall at the flea. Her stall was very cutely named “For the Heck of It”, which was the very purpose for setting up a stall.

Check out the crowd and clothes racks!

Crazy, isn’t it?

I also saw some really interesting stuff that were on sale…

Like a bunch of geeky rings that were made out of Lego and Scrabble pieces, and keyboard buttons. I loved them! Bought 3 for myself, heh.
And look at that bandage dress that is definitely too small for me. I’m sure it’d only fit a 9 year old. ):
Good looking accessories that both guys and girls can wear!
More random shots of the day…
And finally, after the flea market, I decided to drop by the Heeren for a while. Look what I found:
It was the Manhunt showcase!
The fact that the contestants had to do pushups for the judge tickled my funny bone but I have to admit, it was a true test of machoness (and pride), indeed.

Anyway, after that long day,  I finally measured the number of steps I had taken with my uWalk: a whopping total of 20247 steps! That is also equals to 213.1 calories. Probably the equivalent of a light meal!
And I didn’t go back empty handed either!
All in all, I’m pretty glad that I managed to achieve so much just by attending a flea market: new buys, as well as a great workout. (:

Introducing OSIM uWalk

Dear blog readers,

Do you know that by taking 10,000 steps a day could help you slim down and keep you healthy? Well yes! Studies have shown that by walking 10,000 steps a day can help trim your waistline by 2 inches, lose 10 pounds (about 4.5kg) and reduce high blood pressure by 34%.

Amazing isn’t it? If I’d known this earlier, I would have walked even more everyday! Imagine the number of steps taken while walking to the bus stop, to the workplace/school or while climbing up the stairs. All these could be done easily daily, but is there an instrument that is smart and accurate enough to count the number of steps that we take?

Well now we do! Introducing OSIM uWalk, the Tri Axis Pocket Pedometer that uses multi-directional 3D motion sensor technology to measure your:

1) step count

2) calories and fat burned

3) distance

4) exercise time

5) average speed

OSIM uWalk in Green, Purple and White

The 3D motion sensor measures more accurately than conventional pedometers and has a smart-detection feature that automatically determines if you are walking, giving you an accurate step count.

Sounds good? Yes! Also, one of the features we love is that it’s so small and slim that you can keep it in your pocket or bag while you walk! Plus, it has a 14-day memory that automatically stores up to 14 days’ data in its memory. This makes your monitoring process so much more easier!

I know hitting the gym and doing vigorous exercises are great, but sometimes I understand that it’s only normal to feel lazy. Though 10,000 steps seem really long and tough, but it is possible! So everybody, let’s all work towards this goal of walking 10,000 steps a day with OSIM uWalk!

Now with OSIM uWalk, we’ve got no excuse to walk less! Walking more with OSIM uWalk, as every step counts!

OSIM uWalk is only available on OSIM Webshop. Please visit for more details.

To learn more about OSIM uWalk, visit: