Category Archives: OSIM Friends

Plenty of Hope for 2010

2009 has seen many job losses and economic decline around the globe. There are more homeless people abroad, no bonuses to look forward to, and closures of companies causing job losses. It was a very depressing year for many although not very much harm was done to our very conservative and stable country. I hope none of you suffered from the impact and are still holding on to your great jobs.

High hopes for Singapore for the year 2010

According to reports, growth and improvements awaits in 2010. Hopes are high that all will be well and good as long as there aren’t any epidemic cases. As for Singapore, the much anticipated Integrated Resorts and Casinos are finally opening their doors and we should see the positive outlook and vibrancy. Plenty of jobs are being created too.

However to date, the recruit section of our daily paper is still not showing much signs of recovery. In a few minutes, you can thoroughly go through that measly few pages. Two years back, that same section could line a dog’s poo pad for days.

This is worrying for the newly graduated students. With doting parents and their very generous pocket money, do they know the real value of money? How much do they expect to earn to maintain their previously supported spending? I see many of them strut around Orchard Road in their Chanel and designer clothing. Some kids half my age are already zipping around in their set of flashy wheels.

Do these new additions to the working society know what’s in store for them?

As for me, I’m just glad that my career path has been quite smooth. So much so that when I look back, it seems like everything has been planned centuries ago for me. From one job to the other, everything just flows in nicely. I am thankful.

My job criteria were simple. I need to be on the go. I can’t see myself cooped up in the office for 10hours a day. I need to move around. I need freedom. I need to be mobile.

However, just last week, I realized it is possible for me to stay in a spot for a long time.

Picture this. It’s raining cats and dogs outside. I was sitting in a room looking out of a 16th floor apartment with a hot cuppa for companionship. Soothing music playing in the background amidst whistling noise created by the wind and windows ajar. I was on a cozy couch in my “home office” with my lappy in front of me. The whole world is at my fingertips.

How many of you would like to be in my position? No nicely pressed working clothes, no make-up, and no need for travelling to and fro the office.

But do you know what enticed me to have my butt firmly planted on the couch for hours? It is this thing called uMomo.

I’ve never heard about the uMomo prior to this. An OSIM follower for many years, I’ve been greatly impressed with the many products that pampers my feet, shoulders, eyes, back, arms and  head etc. So what does uMomo do for me?

Well, I must say that most importantly, it makes my working hours more enjoyable and shorter.

I’ve always loved massages. Swedish, Shiatsu, hot stones, deep tissue tui na, and Javanese. But all these will take me away from work for at least a few hours including travelling. So, you can imagine how elated I was to be able to work and relax at the same time. Time=Money isn’t it?

It took me only a few minutes to lay out uMomo on my working couch. My first guess of why they named this product uMomo came to mind. There was this brand of car accessories for Japanese cars. They call them the Momo steering wheels and sports car seats. I wonder if there’s and relation to this?

The rest is history. uMomo accompanied me for the hours I spent in front of my lappy. He soothes my back and vibrates to allow blood circulation from my long hours of sitting. Never had I been so keen to work in a stationary position for so many hours.

*uMomo looking smart against my red couch. I’m sure it’ll look as handsome in my red roadster.*

Just the other day, I was caught in a massive peak hour traffic jam. I suddenly missed uMomo. I wish I had him strapped to my car seat. At least the journey would have been less torturing.

I did not know that uMomo comes with an adaptor that allows car charging like those we use for our GPS. Had I known this earlier, with the many hours I spend on the roads, I would have made him my permanent sports seats!

I’m sure I would have been the envy of many other road users… With uMomo, who needs those massage seats that car dealers charges thousands for?

For all the taxi drivers and outdoor sales people out there! You should really consider this product. There isn’t a better way to make commuting more enjoyable!

Throw in the false teeth!

Most women love to dress up. That is a given fact.

However, that said, not every female knows how to achieve the right look, even though they might have an entire wardrobe over -spilling with clothes aka recent Heineken ad.

I’ve always admired the small group who effortlessly (or so it seems) throw on a winning combination. It may not be expensive brands at play, nor the prettiest hues.

Somehow, it appears to be in sync with the individual who manages to carry a certain look. Call it fashion sense, or intrinsic confidence, these women know exactly what they want to wear and who they’re wearing for.


But hey, for the fashion challenged like myself, fret not. Over the years, I’ve learnt that sometimes simplicity and comfort can go hand- in- hand with fashion worthiness, if I could call it that. As I trawl various beauty and fashion topics on popular forums, I realise that more and more women are slowly breaking out of the mould of blindly following trends.

Many a times, all it takes is the right accessories to break the monotony of your standard look.

Large hoop earrings always do the trick for me, drawing attention away from over generous forehead.

After discovering the world of cheap flea market accessories, do I dare say that life has never been the same again? J It certainly has influenced to a large extent, so much so that I took up a simple course in the art of accessory-making.

I was like a child in the candy store, refusing to tear myself away from the plethora of beads, pins and every tiny bit imaginable.

The inconvenience that stems from wearing of such accessories is the constant cleaning. Many people require hypo-allergic material and I’m no exception. No matter how pretty the pair of earrings may be, by mid afternoon, I would gladly have tore out an earlobe just to rid the incessant itch. I guess the lazy side of me know the importance of a good cleanup but chose to ignore.

Before long, I had a grubby collection sitting in a long forgotten corner of the drawer, waiting to be rescued. Ultra gross, tell me about it.

When I received the uSonic, I was pleasantly surprised that this lightweight accessories cleaner look pretty neat too. Just in time to do some major spring cleaning.

My dad’s ancient spectacles that sorely needed to be rid of algae, his magnetic bracelet I bought from the Kris shop catalogue, my mum’s accessories, silverware and of course, my dirty contribution – all went for a bath in this nifty gadget.

3 minutes later, voila! Like what my friend S would exclaim,” Wah, clean like nobody’s business.”

And clean it did. So much so that I was almost tempted to throw in my mum’s false teeth!

(Opps, sorry mum)

It doesn’t have to hurt

I had my first foot massage at the ripe age of 33 and fell in love with it. I guess it pretty much helped that the person providing the service was my charming other half.

Something about the combination of sensual touches, sweet smelling lotion and the knowledge that I could totally relax in his safe strong, hands proved lethal.

Yes, to the extent of waking up an hour later and missing out on the ‘shiokness’ of the mellowing session.

I practically slept like a puppy …

This was nothing like the sessions my folks and their friends used to go through at the ubiquitous Chinese foot reflexology parlors. Theirs was often coupled with screams and contorted faces that clearly spelt physical agony.

“It has to hurt to be of any use,” one of the older ladies used to say. “If it’s very painful, that means you have many problems to ‘repair’ in your system!” How many of them put up with this so-called logic, I seriously don’t know and definitely not comprehend. Why does something have to hurt so badly to derive some good in this instance?

When I did my own bit of research online, I came across this statement.

According to many podiatrists, the distress resulting from unattractive feet or toenails can be extreme. Even married patients may try to keep feet hidden from their spouse – sleeping and even having sex with socks on. For individuals who are too embarrassed to enjoy the benefits of a sensual foot massage, it’s important to address the underlying issue – foot appearance.”

That’s such a shame, really… more often than not; I believe that their partners do care more about their physical and mental pleasure than unpleasant –looking feet.  Besides, with a little more care and arsenal of beauty tools to keep their feet looking better, they’ll get to enjoy the beauty of a bonding session through sole massages.

And if all else fails, there’s always this you can fall back on.

OSIM often surprises us with its innovative products and uSqueez Warm is no exception. To tell the truth, I wasn’t too expectant initially. I really didn’t think that by slipping my feet into the slots and activating a few simple buttons could allow it to reach vital pressure points.

But it did! I can imagine this to be the next BFF of heel-loving ladies – pure godsend in the absence of the better half.

The best feature for me has got to be the heat therapy. With my feet slathered with thick Body shop Peppermint foot lotion and nicely wrapped in cotton socks, I was ready for a foot spa.

One session later, my feet actually felt lighter and softer! Call me crazy or what, my next attempt was using my hands ; dried ‘sticks’ tired out from typing away on the keyboard every day.

Know what works really well with this? This is a personal tip from an ex-aircrew colleague which somehow got proliferated due to its wondrous results:

*Mix lemon juice with coarse sugar and scrub away gently at your hands and feet.

*Rinse off with tepid water and soak in warm milk (if you’re in a luxurious mood) for 5 minutes.

*Smother with your favourite hand cream, don socks and get Warm with uSqueez


Hitting the big 3 – 0 this year

I had stopped making any New Year (NY) resolution since my teenage years. In fact, I’ve been procrastinating & having brain freeze moments trying to write this, more so that I am crossing over to my 30s. These few days, it has been a deep soul searching on my past achievements & what I want going forward.

It is really amazing & interesting to know from my friends that I have come a long way especially these last 2 years. I can feel the difference too. Well, hardships definitely make one stronger mentally & emotionally.

Let’s just say that I am like a piece of clay having gone through molding, cutting, burning & refining to become a piece of beautiful pottery. For sure, I am still in midst of the process & content with what I have now. Sometimes, I think if I will be happier if I remained as an air stewardess or the Public Relations personnel in the luxury fashion house. Maybe yes, maybe no but one thing for sure is that I had fulfilled 2 of my dream jobs. BIG smile.

My ‘flying’ days

My ‘PR’ days

The current me

So for this new decade, reckon it is more practical for me to have a short-term goal (6 months) as I am more of an impromptu person. My needs & wants change from time to time but now they are becoming more practical, constant & simple. Oh to side-track, I admire this guy who embarks on a 365-day of love- spreading to people around him, from people he knows to complete strangers on the street. Such self-less love! Totally inspiring to read his posts at daily.

Back to my short-term (ME) goals. I will want to focus more on my health & fitness aspect. Hitting the 30s means I will have to put in more effort to take care of my body. I want to cut down on my meat, rice intake & incorporate diets like pumpkin or clam chowder soup with bread.

I am absolutely a carnivore & high cholesterol junkie. Korean BBQ meat, juicy medium raw steak to roasted char siew & chicken, all accompanied with a bowl of rice are very much preferred.  So all these are going to be a very great challenge but my body will love me for this. Hee.

I am also trying to trade in my all time favorite char kway teow & satays for chicken or plain rocket salad with balsamic salad dressing. And those salty potato or chili tapioca chips have to go.

And as for the fitness aspect, I am trying to train to complete 10km under or within an hour for my upcoming race in May. It will be another 4 and half months prior the race so it will still be achievable.

Also conscious efforts are made to maintain and to increase my current training days of once weekly. 2 – 3 times per week of running will be ideal. Three groups of friends have already booked me for our regular runs so it is a good start.

That’s all for now, I will re-evaluate these in March and meanwhile, pray that I will be disciplined ENOUGH to stick to them. (Grin)

Cheers to all who are turning 30 this year too!

Love, J

Cut us some slack!

If you have been following my past articles, you may have somehow been able to form a perception of my character and personality even without meeting me in person.

What kind of impression do you have of me? Do you perceive me to be a strong and independent career-minded woman, or a dependent, gentle, loving and soft spoken woman?

Ushering in the New Year means spring cleaning and starting everything fresh and new. Just last week, I engaged an aircon serviceman to give my coolers at home a long overdue shower.

In just 2 short hours and small talk, he had one last question for me before he walked out of my apartment. “You don’t belong to any religion, do you?” My reply was no. He turned to me and said: “I know. You worship money.”

I refused to let him go and demanded an explanation. Being held hostage, he had no choice but to spill on his perception of me.

Under his impression – I am independent, determined, strong, demanding, will not take nonsense, impatient, and the strangest comment is that I do not need a man to take care of me.

I was stunned for a while. Where did this come from? Am I really like what he perceived me to be? I did some soul searching afterwards…

I came from a poor family and had to fend for myself since young. This has made me independent and strong. Of course, I immediately saw the value of money and the importance of working hard for it. Therefore, I got myself vacation jobs as soon as I touched the legal age. Seeing the little money earned from selling Christmas cards door-to-door and fast food restaurants motivated me further.

Time passed and I managed some decent jobs earning good bucks. Due to the harsh and competitive environment in airline and sales industry, I learnt to protect myself and my interest. If you ever appear weak, bullies flock to you like bees to honey. I had to fight for my rights, constantly be on guard, and became cold and distant with intention of not showing the soft side of me – survival needs.

If I don’t protect and take care of myself, who would?

Durians are known as king of fruits. Career go-getter women are just like durians. We put on a very strong and hard front. Should anyone get near us and threaten harm, we have our outer shell for self defense and protection. It is not easy to open us up. But if you do manage to, you will find the soft side to us.

A few times, I had the opportunity to be in the company  of very highly successful and powerful women holding top positions in male dominated industry, and make hundreds of thousands yearly. Apart from  discussions about how expensive their latest collections of diamonds and bags are, luxury holidays in the front cabin of aircrafts, and their new wheels, they also bragged about how they are superior to their ex-men.

Most people perceive them to be superwomen who do not need a man in their life. Even they are too arrogant to admit they need one.

But do you know? Through that few hours’  chat, I can sense that deep inside, they want something more than their material achievements and success. The arrogant and strong front is only a self protection and consolation. During the conversation, they do show signs of wanting to find men who can love and pamper them.

Another girlfriend of mine had been penalized by her husband for their failing marriage and his possible infidelity, citing her chase for excellence and promotion at work had taken her time away from the family. Although sad and misunderstood, she kept her silence. She is one strong woman who doesn’t show her inner emotions freely and it may have caused her husband to think she doesn’t care.

Why are these groups of go-getters being penalized for the independence and ability to be strong? Open up the durian slowly and patiently and you may have unexpected finds.

For now, I can only find comfort in my uPaPa Hug. He has been like a pair of warm, protective loving arms, embracing me from the back, giving me the warmth I desire, and comforting me from a day of stress. That’s additional emotional comfort apart from easing the muscle knots on my heavy shoulders!

It’s a pity he will only be with me for two weeks. I don’t think I can find a man in two weeks…

I’ll squat in 2010, i promise

I have always been quick on my feet in the literal sense. I guess good genes from Dad gave me the added advantage of long legs when it came to 100m dashes during National Sports Meets.

Little did I know then that bulked up thigh muscles came packaged with the short-span glory of being a Speedy Gonzales. I’m sure most guys wouldn’t mind having that on themselves, but I was, after all a teenage girl then.

And may I add, a very vain one too.

I notice that most short-distance runners have similar woes. Marathon runners, on the other hand tend to have leaner legs and sculpted calves. Intrigued, I did some internet research and found this piece of information:

Cross country runners and the like have red fiber muscles which are smaller and less powerful. (Slow muscle fibre) Sprinters have white fiber muscles which are big and more powerful. (Fast muscle fibre) These allow the sprinter short bursts of strength needed to cross the finishing line in record time.

Now I know why Janie’s legs are so smoking hot!  I wonder if lady sprinters are aware of this effect on the appearance of their legs, would they think twice before making that power dash?

I hated my thunder thighs to the core, even though they brought me rows of medals. Years on, the medals have long been chucked into the storeroom. Unfortunately, the once muscular thighs have since turned into flabs of flesh.

For ladies with skinny thighs, they probably would never know how it feels to have your thighs rubbing against each other with every step; how you’re constantly reminded that there exists no gap between your legs.

Vanity got the better of me.

One day after class, I plucked the courage to enter the beauty salon near the school bus stop. The advertisement banner shouted “Get slim and shapely thighs for $60 only!”  $60 was a considerable sum to a Sec 4 student at that time, but I had been tutoring for a couple of years. Besides, this was one of those do-it-now-or-forever-be-silent scenarios. I was already envisaging my pins to look like this after the session:

Are you drooling yet?

I went for it.

An hour later, I emerged $60 poorer and none the slimmer. Obviously the advertisement left out the part that said” You need at least 20-2000 sessions “. Blame it on my gullibility.

Fast forward to the present and my heavy thighs remains. I have since resigned to the fact that I could never have slim legs that go on forever. But what we can’t change that nature has given, we can nurture.

For the longest time, my mum and her friends have been doing daily 90 degrees squats to keep their knees strong and legs toned. Note: you back must be straightened and don’t be greedy. DO NOT go beyond 90 degrees and end up hurting your knees.

Anyway, I dismissed it as aunties’ play initially.

After trawling fitness forum topics, I realised that many young women are no strangers to this particular exercise at the gym, or even in the comfort of their own room. I decided to try it out. For the uninitiated, the thighs will start to tremble after the 25th squat. To the diligent, 100 at one go is a piece of cake.

Let the thigh quivering begin!

It does work, trust me. After 3 months of continuous squats and lunges, my girlfriend now sprints up overhead bridges without a prob and announced that her butt got tighter as a bonus! Now that’s inspiring!

The key to any successful exercise and toning regimen is regularity. Short spurts do more harm than good in the longer term.

Are you the type who would dive into new fads for short stretches, only to fizzle out when the enthusiasm dies down? Or do you believe in going slow and steady for the long haul?

I’ll like to believe that I belong to the latter but sadly, fighting long hours at the work office have rendered me too tired to continue.

Yes, I know. Fat excuse.

In 2010, I hope to stick to my 20 nightly squats, jog at least twice a week, condition my straw-like hair, save more strays and plant many more kisses on my boy’s forehead.

That will do for a start.

Happy new year everyone!

It is still about Shopping…

This time round, yet another visit to update myself with OSIM products that I didn’t manage to cover since the last visit. Before heading out, I mapped out my shopping route as per norm & was happy that it is extremely easy to include the new kid (OSIM) on the route, as there are many outlets widely spread in Singapore.

And this time round, my friend who cooks really well, Daisy & her hubby invited me to join them for shopping. They both wanted to check out the OSIM products after knowing the great bundle deals online. See Internet does wonders, bringing people closer despite sharing different GMT. Well, fortunately, we stay & work rather near each other so it made shopping a lot more enjoyable & exciting.

Daisy excitedly filled me in on the different gift bundles when we met up over delicious Japanese cuisine. The couple got hitched about 1 year ago & now family members, nieces/nephews & even friends are multiplied by 2.

Little did we realize that OSIM is renovating their Vivo city outlet. They are now temporary situated inside Best Denki near the entrance. Not to worry, those luxurious massage chairs are too good to be missed.

I can’t wait for the new outlet to be launched, as the current space is not doing justice to the exciting variety of products that they have. That said, we are still impressed with the consistency layout of the store. Customer service has not compromised as a result as well. Perhaps they may not carry as much stock as the other larger outlets, but not to worry, the next nearest outlets will be Raffles City & ION.

In the midst of the sales associate’s demonstration to the couple, I was intrigued by a really cool & new age gadget nicely showcased at the other end of the ‘store’. I made a silent exit towards it and was carefully examining & trying to make out what it was when I heard, ‘You want to give it a try?’

The kid in me, yet again, immediately shouted a quick ‘Yes’ & the friendly sales associate introduced the uCrown 2. It is a stress relieving head massager, similar to human-touch acupressure massage. I heart (love) head massage the most as it helps relieve the ‘heaviness’ I feel at times when work becomes a bit unbearable and overwhelming. Love the light-headed feeling & somehow it makes me feel a couple years younger. I was able to think clearer!

This is how it looks on me; I am once again blown away by the capabilities of a built in timer, 3 pre-programmed music choices & ergonomic design for a perfect fit. It doesn’t matter if you have a bigger head as this crown fits all.

The position of the crown must rest slightly above the eyebrows & the best part is that we can operate it with the touch of the remote controller. This massager is great for people suffering from migraine too.

The first feel of having a helmet look alike over the head can be abit awkward but once the correct fit is obtained and 5 minutes into the massage, one will realize the importance of technology, intelligence & creativity behind uCrown2. It is another must-try & must-own gadget.

I had almost forgotten about my friends who were also having great fun experimenting with the other interesting gadgets.

The couple left as very happy shoppers, with loads of love, joy & OSIM purchases. Big Smile!

Pampering with Hot Stones

I shifted uncomfortably at my seat and glanced up at the wall clock. 4pm. I’ve been sitting in front of the laptop since 10 in the morning. To save time,lunch in the form of a peanut butter sandwich (with sugar) was conveniently consumed  in the ‘comfort’ of my office table.

It’s been 6 hours straight,save for the occasional pee breaks. Little wonder that my back and butt was doing a minor protest.

I never had a problem with backches during those days as a stewardess, what with bending over to clear countless meals trays and heaving bags laden with ‘gold bars’ into the overhead compartment.

Many of my ex-colleagues are regulars at the physiotherapist clinic.

So why now? Is age hot on my heels?

Come to think of it, I was never the type who could sit through an entire movie in the theatre without shifting my body from time to time. Towards the last quarter of it, one would probably notice this ‘wriggley’ woman constantly trying to find a soft spot left of her pathetic butt.

Yes, blame it on the lack of flesh on my posterior. I can never sit as long as I would have liked to.

You can imagine the agony I went through during a six hour bus journey to see the Taj Mahal 5 years ago. The group of us went, armed with fat hotel pillows to brave the ride. Towards the last 2 hours, the discomfort was enough to entertain thoughts of squatting the rest of the journey there.

Well, but for the past 2 weeks, while tasks built up and tensions shot up north, there lies a saving grace.

The unofficial chill out table where aching backs and itchy mouths are satiated

I was fortunate to have the oppurtunity to try this massage chair pad, curiously named the uMomo. I wasn’t the first though. The IT guys took their turns to check out its functions, excited at the prospects of having a portable back massage right in the office. For most desk bound workhorses, backaches and stiff neck muscles is common. At times, we’re just short of forming a circle with hands working out the shoulders knots of the person in front.

The cool part is that it comes with the option of being used in the car – great for long drives to Malaysia or even Thailand.

Skive Time on the uMomo

By the time uMomo came to me (whatever happened to ladies first?), the verdict was clear. The guys gave the thumbs up. There was just a grouse from one of them though.

“Can be harder. I like very strong massages. This uMomo is too relaxing until I want to fall asleep already,” he remarked.

Another was most impressed with the hot stones function. The soothing warmth is my favourite feauture as well, it being rather cold in the office at times. The heat is both deeply relaxing and helps tight muscles release. Its thick padding provides  comfortable cushioning for the body, even when not in operation.

That got me interested to find out more about  hot stones massages and its promised effects.

Does this conjure up images of pure relaxation, warmth and mellow souls?

Hot stone massage is a specialty massage that uses smooth, heated stones – a black volcanic rock that absorbs and retains heat well. A hot stone massage is more expensive than a basic Swedish massage due to tedious preparation and clean-up. A typical hot stone massage ranges from $125-$150 for an hour of blissful relaxation.

Here’s a quick lowdown on Hot Stone Massage:

  • The stones come in various shapes and sizes. They are sanitised in essential oils and heated.
  • The therapist warms up the body with traditional Swedish massage before massaging you with a heated stone. The warmth is maintained by constant change of heated stones.
  • The therapist might also leave heated stones in specific points along your spine, in the palms of your hand, on your belly, or even between your toes to improve the flow of energy in your body.

The heat of the stones helps muscles release more quickly than in traditional massage. That said; speak up if the stones are too warm! Be mindful about the pressure asserted as well. If you feel discomfort during the process, the therapist ain’t doing it right.

Many women have found that hot stone massages de-stresses, detox, and releases unwanted emotions accumulated during trials of the day. If the positive effects allow one to regain the healthy spring in his/her footsteps, surely it’s worth a try?

Time and those tight purse strings is always a consideration. For those semi permanent residents of their offices, it’s a case of finding the next best alternative. Well, you’ve seen the uMomo.

What are you waiting for, my friends ?

Are Your New Year Resolutions Within Your Reach?

Happy New Year to Everyone and let us welcome the new decade!

It can be quite scary how time flies. It is now 2010! This is the time of the year when everyone starts drawing up a to-do list and making resolutions as a guide to what they want to achieve in the year.

Hmm… What resolution did I make last year? Oh my… I can’t recall. Or did I even make any resolution? *thinking hard*… How about you? Did you achieve what you want to achieve for 2009?

I don’t know about you. But if I do make a New Year resolution, there must be something I want to change for the better, to achieve something, or to improve certain aspects of my life.

2009 flew away so quickly that when I look back, I realized I have wasted a year of my life. I seemed to have achieved none all the 3 criteria I mentioned earlier. What have I done? What a shame huh?

I don’t know if this has happened to you before. Some of us were so motivated in making the same resolutions yearly. It is either to raise the numbers in our bank account, in getting the boss’s recognition for the promotion, landing the new job, quit smoking, eating healthier, exercise more, spending more time with family, or just plainly to live happier.

But most of us fail to stick to them time and time again. And after a few months, we become discouraged and succumb to giving up. And the cycle continues.

There seems to be so much we can achieve when we were younger. The sky’s the limit. As we get older, the expectations of what we have of ourselves becomes higher. And we tend to set goals that may not be within our control. Therefore, we end up being disappointed and negative.

Then again, if everything is planned, smooth sailing and given to you since the day you were born, won’t life be dull and meaningless as you do not have your own goals and challenges?

*How many of you can remember the green paper license many years back?*

I got my green colored laminated driving license four days before I turned 19. It was the greatest birthday gift for me. During those times, it’s a big deal! I scored in a single attempt within 3-4 months of intensive practice and lessons (and NO! I didn’t wear low cut!). It didn’t bother me that it’d cost a month’s salary; I would have sacrificed two Louis Vuitton for this. Once I set my mind to it, I will do it. No amount of temptations can make me waver.

I love cars. I want one that I can call my own, a car that displays my personality and character, a car that I can enjoy the drive and be attached to it. But it must be affordable. I do not wish to pay an arm or a leg for it. The search wasn’t long. I was attracted to Mazda MX-5 instantly. It’s a brilliant lifestyle car, a roadster that seats two, fun, and definitely alluring. And most important of all, it’s the most affordable convertible available.

For 10 years, I refuse to compromise on a normal 4-door car. I am very prudent and I knew if I had bought any other cars, I would eventually change it for a MX5. Finally, I bought my first car 7 years ago, my MX5. To date, I still drive it and enjoying every minute of the wind in my face. She has been really good to me.

When I was 23, I gave a shot at motorcycle lessons. Strange, you may think. Why would I need a Class 2B license if I already have a Class 3? Well, it is to satisfy my fantasy of riding a scooter during my teenage days. I saw girls in Taiwan and Japan riding their cute little scooters, dressed in their pretty dresses. It’s really cool! On the other hand at the driving school, the other students looked at me as if I’m an alien because I was the oldest lady rider there. I had the last laugh because being more careful and mature, I passed on one attempt.

*Best way to get to Marina Bay for fireworks on New Year’s Eve ushering in 2008.

Where’s the jam?*

I now own a white Vespa that I call Charlotte. Due to the weather and layer of dust that settles on my face every time I ride, Charlotte only clocked 2000km in 4 years.

Addicted to collecting licenses, as my friends described, I tried my hands on Powered Pleasure Craft, also known as motorboat. I was 24. Due to practices that didn’t turn out too well, I gave up after I passed my theory prior to my practical test. I wasn’t confident I could make it. However, this was always at the back of my mind. How can I be a quitter? I must accomplish whatever I set out to do!  My love for water sports and jet-skis prompted my second attempt. I made it through this time round, 8 years later, but better late than never.

All these were not achieved within a year. It took me more than a decade.

My strong belief: If you set your mind to do something, persevere and work on it. It may not happen in year 2010, but hey, we have the whole decade! As long as you don’t quit, you will definitely succeed.

I’ve just given myself another resolution this year. It is to set up my own business. This thought has been with me ever since my flying days. I’m still working on possibilities and opportunities. I’m sure I will make it happen, hopefully by the end of 2010.

Remember people, New Year resolutions are made to be a driving force, a motivation, a goal to work towards. So, don’t lose hope by the past failures. Let us work towards our goal with optimism.

Good luck and all the best, with love.

Perfect Mist

I love window-shopping & am often fascinated with the latest fashion trends and technology gadgets in town. What better time to do so & for excuses to be able to make actual purchases for the New Year! Decided to shop during my leave & mustered the courage to hit busy Orchard Road, as there are many new shopping malls with the familiar brands.

And while doing my ‘ritual rounds’ in ION, I stopped by the OSIM outlet to say hi to Edmund. We chatted for a while and asked him if I could try out the uDream. But like a kid, I was easily distracted and shifted my attention to an egg look-alike product. According to Edmund, it is the uMist.

A humidifier that works splendidly in cold countries. In our case, in sunny Singapore! This will work very well for people who are constantly in air-conditioned room for prolonged hours.

You may not know the immediate ‘harm’ being in the air-conditioned room. Besides dry lips, I always feel dry cracks near my ankles and elbows. I hate those dry, white scaly skin, they make one look like a reptile. One of my ex-colleagues even had mild cold rash which she could not stop scratching, resulting in ugly scratch scabs. The usual moisturers & body lotions no longer work for her so she has to resort to applying prescribed medicated lotions regularly. So one shouldn’t be complacent & have the mindset that prevention is better than cure.

Kind Edmund demonstrated on how to use the uMist. It has a very clever & safe capability – it automatically switches off when the water tank dries up. There will be no incidents of overheating of the gadget that could cause fire.

And I am impressed that after loading the water, it is still very light & suitable for the elderly as well. I think it will benefit ah ma (grandma) especially since her skin is full of wrinkles & she doesn’t like applying moisturer. Maybe this will be a good present for her. Shall propose that to my parents.

I like the clean & simple color, white with a touch of relaxing light green that will definitely match any design or renovation themes in the office or at home.

Lastly, this will make a good gift as it is affordable & one can go buy off the rack because of its light weight. Due to time constraint, I had to leave without exploring the other smart gadgets or uDream but I told myself to visit soon, real soon.